What’s Inside: A Deep Dive Into Crate Club’s Tactical Monthly Subscription Boxes
Technological advancements and societal progression have made our world a “paradise” for most people. Naturally, we’ve gotten used to everything being easy. But what if it all went up in smoke, ashes, or a water-logged mess? How prepared are you for the “inevitable.”
By any standard, the chances of this are slim. Still, you can never discount the possibility of a mass casualty event or some life-changing incident that completely upends your life. Doom-mongering aside, it’s always a good idea to be ready even for the little things like a mass blackout, extreme weather, or civil unrest. But how do you know what you’ll need when it all comes down?
That’s where Crate Club comes in. It’s a company that deals with tactical equipment and survival gear, and for a subscription, you can get all you need to face it off with the elements or adversaries. More than a year ago, Crate Club introduced tactical monthly subscription boxes. Find out if it’s worth it with this deep dive into Crate Club’s Tactical Monthly subscription boxes.
What Are Crate Club’s Tactical Monthly Subscription Boxes

Imagine the thrill of opening your Christmas gift. You know it’s probably something nice, but the mystery of it all takes the crown. Crate Club’s tactical monthly subscription boxes are the ultimate treat if you love adventure, the outdoors, and tactical and survival gear. Like Christmas gifts, you won’t know what comes next, but it’s definitely
For a long time, Crate Club has had three major subscription tiers, namely, Lieutenant, Captain, and General. As the names imply, the Lieutenant tier is the first in the lineup, followed by Captain and General. Each subscription was $49.99, $99.93, and $399.99 billed quarterly.
Initially, Crate Club used to ship out these subscription boxes every quarter, but this has now changed to monthly shipments. Monthly subscription boxes dubbed “Major” are the latest subscription tier, and according to Crate Club, this was introduced due to customer demand.
The Major monthly subscription goes for $199.99 billed monthly and is a step up from the Captain subscription. As you’d expect, the Major tier is designed for experienced tactical enthusiasts who have been at it for quite a while.
What To Expect Inside Crate Club’s Tactical Monthly Subscription Boxes
Crate Club is known for the great lengths it goes to ensure the mystery element remains with each subscription box. So, it’s nearly impossible to predict what comes in the next monthly subscription box accurately. However, they’re also quite comprehensive in that each box has all the necessary survival and tactical gear.
Here’s a quick look at what you might get in your Crate Club’s tactical monthly subscription box:
1. Survival Tools and Outdoor Essentials
Crate Club included the Acebeam Pokelit flashlight with a maximum runtime of 58 hours, an anti-fog spray, and a 3-in-1 cleaning brush for survival and the outdoors. The Major subscription box also comes with a Brode electrolyte supplement for all your hydration needs when you’re out there.
With zero sweeteners, the Brode Electrolyte supplement ensures you’re adequately hydrated and ready to face whatever you must.

2. Medical Kit
The medical kit is the new Sidekick First Aid Pouch, which includes up to 70 first aid items. The first aid pouch also has a bit of extra space, and you can always use it to store smaller items you might need, like a flashlight.

3. Self-defense Gear
The last Major monthly subscription box shipment had Bolle Sentinel Ballistic Glasses and a Maglula Gen II AR15/M4 magazine loader.

These are but a few of the items that were featured in the previous Major monthly subscription box shipment. Also, knowing how Crate Club operates, they may or may not retain some or all of the items in the next monthly subscription box.
Beyond the Subscription – Is There Value for Money?
As you might be aware, there are several phony subscription box services, and you’re justified to think all subscription boxes are scams. But is this the case?
This isn’t so based on what Crate Club says about its products and process. Here are some additional perks with Crate Clubs’ tactical monthly subscription boxes.
1. Customer Care Compass
Crate Club relies heavily on its customers for continued success, so it operates a live customer support team Monday to Friday during working hours, 9 am-5 pm EST.
2. Guaranteed Surprises
Like a Christmas gift, each Crate Club’s monthly subscription box differs from the last. But you don’t only get random items. Every box comes packed with all you’ll need to survive in a crisis or outdoors.
3. Reputable Brands Only
Aside from the fact that Crate Clubs only includes battle-tested gear and equipment in its boxes, the company also sources equipment exclusively from reputable and established companies.
4. Access to A Community of Like-Minded Individuals
Nothing sounds better than preparing with like-minded people. Whether you’re new to this or a veteran survivalist, once you get your subscription, you’ll get access to a community where you can share and learn from others.
Crate Club’s Tactical monthly subscription boxes present quite an irresistible proposition. A perfect subscription for outdoor lovers and survivalists. The best part is that each shipment comes with an entirely new set of gear and equipment. Also, Crate Club claims military veterans help pick and sort the gear for each monthly box shipment.
Unfortunately, some of the new gear and equipment may not have that much of a “wow factor.” They’re mostly everyday items that you may casually ignore at the store, but that’s what most special forces use. Normal gear that works as you’d expect and lightens your load when out in the field.